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AgriDome Community Farms bringing the community locally grown organic foods at a lower price

foodAgriDome Community Farms will supply organic foods (vegetables, fruits & some livestock) to local Farmer’s Markets, grocers and restaurants as well as community members. The key to this would be the ability to grow any vegetable or fruit from around the globe in a relevant temperature controlled room of the facility. An organic store and a touring facility can be made on this site as well.

AgriDome Community Farms has the potential to take a whole community off the grid as far as produce production all year round. This means less shipping of foods by air, land and sea. It would cut down the amount of Earth’s land needed for cultivating and agriculture. AgriDome Community Farms will bring the community locally grown organic foods at a lower price.thCAL7E9DP

AgriDome Community Farms is a reality that can be made available to the world. Please go to the Fix The World Organization website for more planet-changing ideas and how we can make these happen!

About hopegirl2012

Naima Feagin (HopeGirl) holds an MBA and a variety of business experience in corporate and government finance and small business entrepreneurship. In 2012, she left the corporate world to build an online business through blogging, marketing, teaching and a passion for humanitarian projects. In 2014 her stepfather designed and open sourced a free energy generator prototype. She traveled around the world building free energy prototypes and growing her online business. This is also when she met her partner Tivon. She has played a large role as a public spokesperson for her family’s free energy project. Hope and Tivon also sponsor a local community center for women and children. They are both American ex-pats that live and work together in Morocco.


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