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Transparent Assessment of Challenges Faced During FTW QEG 3-Month Global Build Tour. Plus, target date for Phase 3 (Self Running) Completion.

thCAAS0Q8HThe purpose of this blog post is to highlight some of the challenges the QEG team has met along the way.

We would like to begin this post in a position of love and compassion for all of humanity, especially the thousands of beautiful souls that are investing their hearts, time and money into bringing free energy to this planet and free us all. We at FTW recognize fully that we are all in transition at this time, which can mean many different things. The open-sourcing and co-development of something like this has never been done this way before, and while we work on creating a new way of collaborating together, there are sure to be challenges and the need to clear and cleanse some of the old ways.

The best way to do this is through the transparent presentation of pure data. This can be a beacon of clarity to help us wade through all the emotions, opinions, and other distractions that get in the way of our collective progress. With data, each individual will have what they need to make informed decisions and follow their hearts.

As stated in our last campaign update, what has happened as a result of the 3rd phase QEG build in the UK, and co-development around the world, is strong, sturdy and monumental growth for the way that free energy is being brought through to the people, after hundreds of years of suppression.

Before we go into details of the challenges of each of the builds, it is important to explain more about the methodology and working style of James Robitaille, the one responsible for bringing this to the world in this way.

James is not impatient. He is slow and methodical and very careful with each step he takes. He paces himself and measures twice before doing anything. For him, engineering work is like meditation.

James is a non-degreed engineer, meaning, he does not have the same conditioning that the traditional academic system imposes on the entire energy industry (see supporting video HERE). Because of this, he does not have to “unlearn” what many had to learn. Also because of this, he was the top engineer for a major motor manufacturing company for 26 years. They saw his gift, as all of those who have worked with him can see. This company also went through several downsizings, but even through this his worth and position was recognized and never made redundant. He left this job of his own free will, to dedicate his talent to building and offering the QEG to humanity.

James now recognizes that all the things he has selected to learn about during the course of his life were pointed towards the development of this project. He now sees the QEG as his life’s work.

James has a background of working in large and small engineering teams in a corporate environment. These environments were controlled, meaning, there were test procedures and need for documentation for everything you do, and all projects had timelines. James usually worked hands on with only one or two other people at any given time, and the left hand always knew what the right hand was doing. This was also in a closed and private environment where distractions were not permitted.

From the Beginning
James received a ‘download’ of information and knew from his engineering skills that if he had the right supplies, he could rebuild one of Tesla’s concepts in the QEG, make it work, and give the plans away to the world. FTW crowdfunded the cost of the supplies to do this.

QEG Build in PA (October 2013 – February 2014)
For the first 5 months, James worked alone on the first QEG in his methodical manner in a closed private environment with no help from any other engineers. During this time he was in development, which meant he had to source all the components for the first time, many of which were hard to locate as they were new. He had many discussions with his suppliers, sent them drawings and schematics (which he first had to make) in order to instruct them how to create the parts (e.g. the stator and all components of the core). He started completely from scratch as his teacher from WITTS only gave him minimal instruction.

Once all the required research was done and the components finally arrived (in January), he began assembly, went through testing, trial and error, and reached resonance within 5 weeks (February 2014). For the preceding 4 months, James had been in conference with Taiwan, who supported development and wanted to build QEGs in their country. It was clearly communicated and understood that this was a prototype in development, it was not delivery of a finished product.

The next steps would be to figure out how to control the power found in the core as the core and its unique design is the key component of the QEG (it is properly designed based on Tesla’s concepts). Directly after open sourcing the QEG, James was strongly encouraged by the Taiwan group to go to Taiwan and together, all would figure out how to control the power generated in the core.

QEG Build in Taiwan (March 26th – April 14th 2014)
Everything was going very well, also very fast…. There were at least 10 engineers working simultaneously at all times (see QEG Build in Taiwan HERE). This allowed Taiwan to assemble the QEG to get it to resonance in record timing (4 days). However, there was excitement, a bit of rushing and some language difficulties, in addition to “too many cooks…” (the head Taiwan Engineer/Factory Owner had experts that he would call, e.g., a motor guy, who brought and set up the motor and controller – see Taiwan Has Resonance video HERE).

Afterwards, they started running the QEG before the core was completely wired up to the load and there was no spark gap installed. The core shorted out. (It was later discovered that this was because it has to be properly loaded at all times.) This was all due to the excitement of having reached resonance and wanting to complete the project ASAP, which actually delayed the build as Taiwan had to take 4 days out of the work schedule to get the core rewound and start again. When they returned with the rewound core, it was discovered that the winding company wound one of the coils in the wrong direction. Rather than lose another 4 days to have this fixed, James decided to try to work around this with the remaining time he had in Taiwan.

It was during this time that they were able to make some discoveries regarding the high voltage as shown in this QEG update video from Taiwan. It should be noted that at this point, the trip had already been prolonged by a week, incurring an additional cost in thousands of dollars in non-refundable cancelled airfare and a newly scheduled flight to Morocco. Also at this time, the winding company had a big wedding and the entire company closed down for a whole week! In the last days of the build, James was not able to get the QEG to self-running because (due to the delay of re-winding the core) he ran out of time, and we could not afford to cancel more tickets that had already been purchased.

So James and Val left to meet up with Hope in Morocco, and Taiwan was left with the job of rewinding their core for the 3rd time (due to human error, not the construction of the core) and continuing development on their own for a time. For the 3 weeks we were in Taiwan, James provided dozens of hours of recorded instructions, and all were confident co-development would continue on the QEG.

QEG Build in Morocco (April 15th – May 25th 2014)
Through crowdfunding and the generosity of the people, FTW was able to donate a QEG to an underdeveloped country, to be able to run a pump on a water well in a very impoverished area. This build was exposed to the public and engineers, physicists and other scientists had an open invitation to come, and come they did – from around the world! As many as 80 people from 24 countries showed up. These were professionals of the highest caliber.

FTW shipped the core to Morocco on March 23rd and it was scheduled to Arrive in Morocco on April 8th. When the QEG family arrived in Morocco on April 15th, the core had still not arrived. Moroccan Customs would not release it. Everyone at the build had to wait another 8 days, while we fought with Customs, until we finally had the core in our possession and were ready to begin the build. While we were waiting for the core, we were trying to source some of the parts that the CICU (cottage industry community unit – for directory go HERE) had been having trouble getting in Morocco.

Once the build finally began, resonance was achieved within 4 days. The next step was tuning, which meant we needed to have plenty of capacitors. We had capacitors shipped overnight from the US which actually took three weeks to arrive due to the Moroccan mail system, so we began to look more locally when it became clear overnight delivery was not happening. This took several more days searching in towns as far as 3-4 hours away. It should also be mentioned that in an effort to move things along, plane tickets were purchased (by a very generous build attendee) for people to fly parts over to Morocco in their suitcase, as this was faster than overnight delivery to Morocco.

Once we finally had the capacitors we started the testing and tuning (next step after resonance). This took 6 days to go through enough testing to find the correct combination for the next necessary step: overunity. As soon as the formula was found, the individual who was at the build with the necessary equipment needed to complete this process, had to leave Morocco to return home, taking all his instrumentation with him.

Note: Due to a bad signal, we had working internet in Morocco only 3-5% of the time that we were there (which was up to 6 weeks). During this time, the free energy community of believers and non-believers were asking for data and proof of concept. To meet this demand from the public, James stayed on in Morocco and waited for someone from the UK to fly in with £50,000 in equipment necessary to produce the numbers everyone wanted to see. It took him 5 days to tune properly to produce the numbers and create this video. James’ dedication to The People who funded this project motivated him to spend the extra 5 days producing the proof of concept everyone wanted to see. After making the video, the free energy community began a debate over what was considered “usable power vs. raw power” and also debated what the true definition of overunity is. This initiated an additional delay; James spent another 4 days documenting overnunity to provide the numbers people were demanding, and created this video and report.

The next step James hoped to complete for the Moroccan build was to use a transverter to convert the power out of the core in order to get it to self-running. A transverter, or components to build one, was not available in Morocco. As a plan “B” James saw the possibility of getting the same effect using a transformer, which he tried and it didn’t work (because it changed the resonant frequency). However there is a possibility that it could work after impedance matching, which required components and instruments that were not available in Morocco. James then tried to work with the exciter coil to produce the same effect, but could not complete it for the same reasons: lack of instrumentation and components in Morocco.

At this time, we ran out of money and had to launch a new campaign for Phase 3: Self-running, which we were encouraged to do in a more developed country, where what was needed would be more readily available. (You can read more about the Morocco QEG Build HERE.)

QEG Build in the UK (May 25th – June 26th 2014)
We developed many relationships in Morocco. One of which was Ray, who invited the QEG family to come to stay with him in the UK for a private build that would get us to self-running. He ordered and paid for all plane tickets and parts. He understood the problems we had all along the tour, recognized the potential of what we were all sitting on, and so provided a space in a country with adequate resources to reach the goal.

It took three weeks to prepare the space for the UK build and order all the parts. This included building a workshop from scratch, ordering a core and having it shipped from the US, and carefully ordering all the other parts. Note: many parts and processes were improved along the way, from our experience building the QEG three times so far, including the insulation system and secondary wire gauge (changed from 10 gauge to 12 gauge) on the core, type of bearings and pulleys used, and the exciter coil (changed from solid to stranded wire).

The UK build began on June 14th. Based on our past experience of the last 3 builds it was safe to assume that we needed 7-10 days to assemble a QEG from scratch, get it to resonance, apply the tuning, and achieve self-running.

One of the engineers at the UK build was invited because he was going to bring the transverter. He came with something else that he thought would do the same thing: a Marcov coil. This coil was put on the core before assembly and tested to prove that VARS (potential power), could be converted to Watts (usable power), in this way. The testing with the Marcov coil took 3 days. The thinking during this time was to prove the concept before assembly so that we would know for sure if we would have self-running using this system later. This may have been a misjudgment of the time we had to complete phase 3, but it seemed like a good idea. Assembly commenced on the 4th day (assembly takes 3-4 days to complete) but on the fifth day we had special guests come to the build to conduct an unexpected spiritual business exercise. This took up the entire day. Assembly commenced on day 6-8. Resonance was then achieved on the evening of June 21st. (See UK Has Resonance video HERE.)

Right after filming the UK QEG reaching resonance, a similar thing happened that happened in Taiwan: the core short-circuited. AGAIN, THIS IS NOT A DEFECT IN THE CORE DESIGN OR PRODUCTION. To further explain, normally after reaching resonance, James would then begin a tuning process to find the best frequency and RPM, which also includes using a spark gap to ensure any excess voltage is diverted away from the core. In a moment of human error, when the guest engineers were focusing on the Marcov coil effects, they disregarded the connections to the core. Someone turned up the RPMs before James had a chance to put a spark gap on, and the core short-circuited as a result. Luckily there was a second core that had been donated to this build and the following day they switched out the cores, installed a spark gap before reaching resonance again, and began the tuning process for the core. The Marcov coil was put on hold in the second assembly, to be returned to later on.

After the core was tuned, next came the tuning of the exciter coil where they were making great progress. This tuning process also takes quite a bit of time as you need to keep testing in order to get the correct combination of capacitance and inductance. Once you’ve figured out this formula, then it will be the same for any replications later on down the line. This is what it means to be “in development”, as we find the answers others can use later on.

At this point, the QEG family had been living on the road for 3 months. Originally, it was planned that James and Val would return home in between the Taiwan and Morocco builds, and home for good on the 18th of April (the UK was not considered in the beginning) to tend to home/life responsibilities. This did not happen due to the delays of the builds. Their last plane tickets back home (including Hope’s ticket) were reserved and paid for By The People for June 26th, were non-refundable and could not be changed.

On his last day, James worked late into the night on tuning the exciter coil. He was literally hours away from self-running when he had to leave the UK. Again, he could not finish phase 3 because we ran out of time.

So here’s where we are now
The entire QEG family is back in Pennsylvania where the first QEG was built. It’s taken 3 weeks for this family to resolve some problems on the home front caused by being away for so long. Due to the new and improved second generation QEG core, some minor adjustments are needed to the workshop set-up, which is what James is now doing. The environment here is drastically different to that of the global tour, and is not subject to interruption. James is not teaching, there is no experimentation, and most of the time-consuming developmental tasks have already been completed. We are at the doorstep of reaching self-running and completing Phase 3 by the end of this month (July).

While James works on the QEG here in the United States to complete the task, the rest of the QEG team are working on the creation of a CICU Certification Training Course. This course will be “self-running”, meaning, anyone can access and take the course on their own, and offered for free to those interested in developing a CICU in their community/country for the distribution and manufacturing of QEG’s.

After doing something like this so publicly, we now step back and take an assessment of some of the experiences we’ve had. We realize that what is about to happen truly will change a lot of things on this planet, and see that perhaps if it were to have happened completely overnight, it may have been quite a shock for some.

Over the last three months a mycelline distribution network has begun to grow. We were planting seeds all over the world and there are now many QEG’s in different locations waiting for that final step. The following are countries that are either preparing to build, or already building, and otherwise in co-development for working QEG prototypes:

Czech Republic
S. Africa

That’s 32 countries and more coming on board weekly! When that final step comes they will all pop up at once! Perhaps humanity needed a few months of linear time to follow the story, to watch the videos, to talk to their friends about it. All of these activities are a way that people can engage and invest their energy for a better future for us all. This way, when the final event does occur, humanity has had a bit of time to get ready for it. We don’t want to shock the new paradigm into existence, we want to usher it in. We know from the generosity of The People who are funding this project that many are ready. Many more will awaken soon.

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the folks at Torelco for working with the global QEG community to be able to provide the highest quality core every step of the way in development. They have perfected the new insulation system of vacuum epoxy impregnation, and all the engineers purchasing these can feel confident in its performance. Be sure to install your spark gap and tune properly (watch for updated Build Manual coming soon!), and your core will bring you great results.


About hopegirl2012

Naima Feagin (HopeGirl) holds an MBA and a variety of business experience in corporate and government finance and small business entrepreneurship. In 2012, she left the corporate world to build an online business through blogging, marketing, teaching and a passion for humanitarian projects. In 2014 her stepfather designed and open sourced a free energy generator prototype. She traveled around the world building free energy prototypes and growing her online business. This is also when she met her partner Tivon. She has played a large role as a public spokesperson for her family’s free energy project. Hope and Tivon also sponsor a local community center for women and children. They are both American ex-pats that live and work together in Morocco.


17 thoughts on “Transparent Assessment of Challenges Faced During FTW QEG 3-Month Global Build Tour. Plus, target date for Phase 3 (Self Running) Completion.

  1. Thank you!

    Posted by Lance | July 16, 2014, 5:55 am
  2. Thank you for the update Hope, I can understand you saying back home it is much easier to work… I have the same experience — quite contemplation, focus, no-rush,.. all these bring quality and lasting results… And I (hopefully we The People also) understand you are not QEG-delivering-robot but have human neeeds a family the take after… so in the end you have QEG and a sound family full of love 😉

    Posted by Aleksander Lah | July 16, 2014, 7:05 am
  3. What do you think the big power corporations will think of this machine ?
    They will become redundant…all their power plants idle. Do you think they
    will let this happen ? I realise this wont happen for a while, but bears
    thinking about. In the meantime, power to your elbow (no pun intended)
    Regards, Jeff

    Posted by Jeff Armitage | July 16, 2014, 7:55 am
  4. Absolutely incredible! In such a short time you guys are literally changing the course of humanity for the good of all. My Family and I thank all of you who are involved in this process. LOVE

    Posted by apk72 | July 16, 2014, 11:21 am
  5. Thank you, Hope Girl.
    Take some rest, enjoy life and be well.
    “We” are all on it and together with The People in all countries we will succeed.
    Kind regards,

    Posted by luca; van dinter | July 16, 2014, 4:13 pm
  6. Fantastic News!! Hope, James and Val, Thank you SO much for all you are doing for Humanity and these challenges are normal when paradigm shifting advances are being brought forth……Humanity has waited so long since the days of genius Tesla so we can patiently wait a couple more weeks or months!!
    It is SO exciting to see the number of countries involved and the huge progress you are all making. The power companies will have an impossible job to suppress the QEG and numerous other inventions as they are open sourced and Humanity builds the world and a beautiful way of living, that we wish to create and live in and not one that is imposed on us….
    QEG we love you!!!

    Posted by Hazel Newton | July 16, 2014, 5:01 pm
  7. I have no doubt James received a Sol or Source download because it is other’s centered and what I see is his using non magnets on the fly wheel is brilliant and allowed auto accumulation to Sun Fibonacci with a capacitor Sun “pressure” released via the Spark Gap all like a mini Universe . His system is really like the Earth going around the Sun and also spinning at the same time .

    His translation from Tesla’s linear piston patent was brilliant …
    I suspect Coral castle helped …

    I cannot help but think that the fine coiled tuner is an analogy to quartz … in how it picks up Earth/Sun Fibonacci and helps auto attune and thus the circuit to accumulate an over circuit to resonance . The preset capacitor and spark gap are brilliant guides to resonance.

    All the great source or Sol connected are natural thinkers I find !



    Posted by Robin | July 16, 2014, 6:48 pm
  8. Thank you for the update, I will always follow QEG development.

    Posted by Solveig Elin Bokn | July 16, 2014, 8:17 pm
  9. I am feeling that the timing is exactly as it is meant to be in order for us to better understand and activate our own internal tech. Because we are interconnected at the Quantum level with the Cosmos, we will all achieve “resonance” when time is perfect for all concerned..

    It is becoming more clear each day that those who have chosen this path of
    awakening are connecting on a telepathic level. I know this as I talk with different people around the world, that are in my sphere of reality, that we do not need to verbally speak to each other to be attracted to the same information at exactly the same time.

    I feel much joy in this knowing and wake each day with a childlike excitement wondering what Santa has left under the tree for me.

    Thanks to us all for playing our parts in this extremely important stage play. Soon it will be time to take a bow and await the next act.

    Posted by Linda Livesay | July 16, 2014, 8:56 pm
  10. So much love has been spread thanks to QEG.
    Corporations are now on the run in fear.
    At last we are free.
    Monumental change around the corner.
    Energy is ours is everyone’s.
    Remember you get out what you put in.

    Posted by ACG | July 16, 2014, 9:22 pm
  11. Thank you for this amazing update. At http://www.purpleparadiseresort.com, we look forward to building many QEGs and help distribute free energy around the world. Much love to all of you. Thank You for following your vision, James, and all the team members. You’re all invited to the Resort build, which is coming soon!

    Posted by Nicki Love | July 16, 2014, 10:42 pm
  12. Thank you for this update post, QEG development is on the way in the French west indies too. In Guadaloupe, a little hacker group try to made one in a bus ! (Found at http://www.destinationpirate.com)

    Posted by Lucien Boulanger | July 17, 2014, 8:16 pm
  13. This is awesome… I work in solar sales, but support all renewable energy! Do you have any events in NYC or Brooklyn anytime soon? There are a lot of people here who would love to/ need to see this. Thanks for sharing!

    Posted by LB | July 17, 2014, 9:17 pm
  14. I just read the assessment. I am touched, moved and inspired by the love and dedication of the QEG team and all supporters. Hats of to all of you! ❤ 🙂 Here in Bangalore, India the QEG team is slowly growing and soon we hope to start ordering parts to commence the building. This Friday morning at 5:40 am I was riding on my bicycle to the place where I teach Step Aerobics. I always pass a slum area where people are sleeping on the pavement and living in small tents. At first that brings up some sadness and I can feel tears coming up. But then, just like the QEG 😉 I connect with that unlimited amount of energy available to all of us. 🙂 I take a deep breath and I experience how love can overcome all. Dear reader of this post, I want you to know it is a privilege to work with you on bringing the QEG to the world. I believe that this will be a significant step in creating a world which works for everyone. Thank you for the role you play in this transition. ❤ 🙂

    Posted by Richard Alexander | July 18, 2014, 11:48 am
  15. Thank you all for what you are doing. You are truly bringers of hope. I am a relatively new follower, about a month. I will continue to pray for your success and do whatever I can to promote this project.

    Posted by buysell585 | July 21, 2014, 4:31 am


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