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5 Countries Proving that we can Thrive Without Fossil Fuels


“From our Friends over at Earth We Are One, (ewao).”

In past generations, the idea of a planet run on renewable energy sources may have seemed ridiculously idealistic or like a futuristic fantasy. Amazingly though, we are witnessing the transformation to green living across the planet, even if gradually.

Any information you have heard suggesting that sustainable energy sources are not sufficient to provide the necessary power to run the worlds operations, was disinformation.  We have to always be conscious of where information is coming from and to focus powerfully into the reality that sustainable energy is manifesting now. These 5 countries are thriving brilliantly on sustainable energy:

Costa Rica

As of 2015 Costa Rica has declared that it is 100% green.  Known for its stunningly gorgeous natural landscape and stable economy, Costa Rica is also beautifully leading the movement of sustainable living by moving entirely away from fossil fuels.  This will no doubt help protect the precious beaches and virgin jungles that the country is known for.  Shifting to a green way of life protects the rich natural resources while allowing the booming tourist industry to continue to thrive.

Costa Rica utilizes a variety of renewable sources of energy, wisely tapping into its own most plentiful natural forces.  The country cultivates energy through the abundant rainfall through their developing hydroelectric infrastructure. Costa Rica has the second best electric infrastructure in Latin America.  It also draws energy from geothermal, wind, biomass, and solar energy sources as well.


Denmark is s country known for the picturesque vision of windmills gracing its green countryside for many decades.  The country began installing windmills in the 70s and is not the world leader for wind power production, setting a world record in 2014.  40% of its total electricity needs are met from wind energy sources.

Denmark has set the impressive goal of being powered 50% by renewable sources by the year 2020 and 100% renewable sources by 2050.  When they achieve their goal, they could be the first advanced country to do so- unless someone else beats them to it.  They are clearly well on their way as indicated by their recent instance of producing 140% of their daily energy needs in just one day from wind turbines.


In 2014 Scotland raised their national bar for renewable energy practices. In December 2014 beat their own record for renewable energy production, harnessing close to 1300 MWh (megawatt-hours) to the national grid system. This was enough to power roughly 4 million homes with electricity.

Nowadays, Scotland produces close to 100% of the civilian electricity needs using wind energy and other cities have been able to provide 100% or more energy for average home use. This is partially due to Scotland’s major investment into creating one of the most advanced computer-driven energy infrastructures worldwide.


Sweden is another star for renewable achievement, like Denmark.  Sweden has been commended by the IEA (International Energy Agency) for its successful strategies in reducing its reliance on fossil fuels. The country also utilizes advanced biomass energy systems, a strategy so effective that by 2010 it had already begun producing more energy from biomass than from fossil fuels. Sweden is also innovatively transforming landfill waste into energy using huge-scale waste incineration programs.

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About hopegirl2012

Naima Feagin (HopeGirl) holds an MBA and a variety of business experience in corporate and government finance and small business entrepreneurship. In 2012, she left the corporate world to build an online business through blogging, marketing, teaching and a passion for humanitarian projects. In 2014 her stepfather designed and open sourced a free energy generator prototype. She traveled around the world building free energy prototypes and growing her online business. This is also when she met her partner Tivon. She has played a large role as a public spokesperson for her family’s free energy project. Hope and Tivon also sponsor a local community center for women and children. They are both American ex-pats that live and work together in Morocco.


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